Friday Q&A Session - 11th January 2013
Friday Q&A Webinar by Linda Lane
Chris is speaking
Seeing if David Hooker is on the line to speak with us.
Doing some restructuring in UK. We are actively pursuing the new office location, as we speak.
David Hooker: Good morning. Very busy and hectic here with offices opening around the world. UK -- Lorenzo is locating an office. Stellar Point has locations around the world that will be helping us. Located some offices in the Manchester area. There will be one week of intensive training as of January 23rd. We are cementing the details now. We were seeking a general manager, and that is completed. We will be introducing him to all individuals during the next couple of weeks.
The next BB Tour will be in the UK, sometime in February. Chris Smith, Raj and myself will be in the UK to celebrate the new offices. We are hoping lots of people will be there.
UK, Ireland, Israel and the Caribbean... we are extending our reach throughout the world. General Manager for the Caribbean is there now being brought up to speed.
There's a lot of confusion around many things. People read the headlines, rumors but do not seek the details. In India we just closed the office, not BB India. In November we were already beginning to look for new offices and hiring new staff. Prior to the problems in India, we had already located offices. WE are excited with how the plans are going.
(He is speaking about the PR plans and getting the image of BB out to the world -- but I cannot understand his accent, sorry)
Chris speaking:
We are expanding around the globe and bringing on 5 more countries.
BB Debit Cards - we have updated this process and we are getting into the payouts a lot smoother. We some some internal features -- we did a payout a couple days ago. Doing them in batches. You will now see the exact time as to when you will be paid. We tried to do 7 business days and tried other scenarios.
Now it will be
20 calendar days for Standard
15 calendar days for Premium
Payza - Next Payout Jan 17
STP - Next Payout Jan 17
USA Bank - Next Payout Jan 17
(*) BB Version 2.9
1) New Membership type: Executive
$500/month - streamlined Support
Traffic Boosters discounted.
Withdrawal time frame for BB Card 10 days
2) New panel and package (very soon)
We did a survey to submit names
for new package.. we now have the
Top 10. There will be a list on
the site for us to VOTE on this.
3) Incentive Traffic - things you can do to help BB and help yourself. Example, writing blogs, testimonials, etc. Now we are going to formalize this if you do these items, and we will give you traffic to qualify your panels.
4) New Qualification process - to separate the traffic banks into separate banks. Sales bank, traffic pack bank ___________. You can mix and match. TP bank will stay at the same ratio. Separated out from sales. This is to help out the sellers out there, the people promoting BB. Sales credits need to be recognized more than traffic pack credits. This is not fair to the people who are inviters.
There has been confusion with roll up, because it does not increase allowance. Once this version is complete this will work smoother.
We are working hard to have this completed soon.
Withdrawal time frames: If you w/d Jan. 1st, it will be on your card on Jan. 20th (standard).. calendar days based on when you w/d.
Vector w/d limits error: I would say we are 90% there in terms of the 100% integration to get it automated. There may be a few things that you see with Vector that will be fixed and last remaining items will be wrapped up and it will be seamless.
Admin Fees are being taken starting in January.
We will get the Dublin presentation by David Hooker posted on the website.
If I have more than 10 TP's a month, will I be forced to be Executive member? There will be a grandfather time period. Eventually you will be Executive.
Negative blogs online -- we are not idly sitting by and being slandered. We are on top of this and handling it legally.
We are making an effort to answer all questions either on the webinar or placed on the FAQ section of the website. Based on the category of the question.
New training videos coming up
BB Debit card was 7 business days... now it is "calendar" days. And we have put more realistic time frames based on our experience.
What is the difference between IC and General Manager. IC is a separate company with BB as a main client for support center. IC has a relationship based on sales in that county. General Managers do not have BB accounts and are paid a salary so no conflict of interest.
What is procedure for w/d more than $10K per month. We will have a form put online for you to fill out. BB Card must be maxed out, then you can use a different method for increased withdrawal amounts.
With the new program and the Vector process, BB Debit Card is split. We will eventually show all the logs together over time.
Why does it say Raj is talking? He set up the webinars originally. we have not changed it.
Black panel -- the limits, the allowance, the black will follow the same as all the colors, and new panel will have the UNLIMITED allowance.
A lot of great updates. I want to thank David Hooker with our initiative worldwide. Thank you for your support. Keep up the great work. Please talk to your inviter first, before going so Support. Keep helping us grow.
Have a great weekend.
End of webinar
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